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Summer Camp will focus on building children's horse knowledge and capacity to groom, tack, and ride horses.  We will spend time learning about parts of the horse, how to groom and tack, and weather permitting, will have a 20 min. individual lesson for each rider daily. Campers must bring their own lunch -- snacks  provided.  Afternoon horsemanship lessons on leading a horse/pony through a pattern as well as outdoor play, feeding the animals, farm and nature learning and craft activities. Camp ages 5 - 12.  This is a weekly ticket for all 5 days; 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday - Friday  Weekly camp ticket is $400 -- After care offered from 3 - 5 with unstructured play and reading time.  After care tickets sold separetly.  If you are looking for daily tickets, please email

$400 per week (before and aftercare available for an additional fee) or $90 a day

Campers will attain mastery and skill development appropriate for their needs and goals

Snack and lunch – Campers are required to bring their own lunch – snacks provided.


Feeding animals

Caring for animals


Egg collecting



Outdoor exploration

Upcoming Camps

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